Rorschach Doesn’t Compromise


That’s what I keep hearing him tell me. Anyways, onto the blog post at hand.

My progress was slight over the last couple of days. I mainly just tackled the Fortress of Winds. In it I obtained the mole mitts and beat the stupidly easy boss Mazaal.

I’m currently in the middle of trying to find the three library books that are around Hyrule Town. The first one was pretty easy, but the second book is becoming a pain. I can’t get into the scholar’s home to start looking for it. I’m beginning to wonder if I either messed up or missed something along the way to this point that allows me to gain access to the house. Any ideas?

I was looking to go for completion by beating the game in co-op. Since that can only happen locally I asked Usagi to help out. He gladly did so and we were having a great time until the rooftop part of Chapter III, the final level.

The first problem was a glitch where Rorschach, who I was playing as, fell through part of the map. Usagi had to kill off his character, Nite Owl, to restart from the previous checkpoint.

The second problem came from battling Twilight Lady’s “special slaves,” as she put it. They brutally owned Nite Owl every time making it not so much fun. We even switched off controllers and I also got beat badly. Oh, geez, that didn’t sound right. :lol:

I think it had to do with not knowing exactly how the counter system works. Since then I’ve practiced with both characters noticing that it’s a bit different for each. Nite Owl prefers that you follow R1 with Square fairly quickly. Rorschach, on the other hand, is a bit more lenient in that you can tap Square a few times after R1 for the counter to work.

While I had the disc out for Part 2, I figured I’d do some of that aforementioned practicing on Part 1. I also took that time to record a good chunk of gameplay footage from Chapter II of Part 1. In it I play as Rorschach and kick some major ass if I do say so myself. :D

Earlier in the year I had forgot to mention some of the purchases that I’d made. I didn’t even notice this until I was gathering information for my buying stats blog post that will be upcoming.

Back in mid-May I downloaded a free copy of Rag Doll Kung Fu: Fists of Plastic. It was sponsored by, I think, Sprint which was why it was free. This PSN game isn’t all that good and definitely not worth the current price of $10 for such a shallow Smash Bros. type of game.

Near the end of that same month I bought Crash Commando. It was one of the few PSN games that got a discount for about two weeks. It’s like a third-person shooter, but on a 2D plane. It was fantastic at the sale price of $5 and it’s still totally worth it at $10 too.

On October 1st I bought Uno. This was mainly because VixDiesel and s0njas0n were playing it and this is actually one casual game that I don’t mind having. The online portion is kind of flaky at times, but I still played it a bunch with them. It’s was a bit expensive at $10, but if I remember correctly the physical cards cost more. It’s currently $8 on PSN.

Lastly, I bought a second DS Lite. This one is red and black. I like it better for the matte finish that was used on the bottom half of the unit. My original system is white and has the glossy finish everywhere on the outside.

That’ll be it for now. It’s the holiday season so you guys take it easy. :)